Friday 8 October 2010

Exploring different shots and Shot list

I want to explore and research the different types of camera shots that music magazine use. This would be useful as it will allow me to see the different sorts of shots used and how effective they would be. I am going to include some of the shots that i might want to use within my magazine.

Extreme close up – This mainly includes a part of a characters face or an object. It is normally used within horror films to grasp expression with in eye and used for dramatic effect. This shot will not have any background detail.
Close up - contains just one character's face. This enables viewers to understand the actor's emotions and also allows them to feel empathy for the character. This is also known as a personal shot.
Medium shot – This just consists of the character from waist up. This allows the audience to see the characters facial expressions as well as some of their body language.
Long shot – This contains a full view of the character and allows the viewer to see the full body. This helps create a relationship between both the character and audience as well as being able to see the costumes

Magazines such as ‘vibe’ use a variety of camera shots such as medium shots and long shots. Even though these shots are sued to portray different meanings, each of the models used portray the same sort of ‘image’ so they convey the same sort of feeling towards the audience. 
By researching the different shots and looking at magazines with different camera shots, it allows me to see which camera shots would be more effective and gives me a better idea of which ones I would use.

Other camera shots would include:
Extreme long shot also known as establishing shot - It is normally used to show a large amount of landscape. It is when the camera is the furtehst distance from the landscape.
Medium long shot - This normally show the majority of a hcracter, mainly from head to knees. This allows you to see the environment as well as mutiple people interacting.
Medium close up - This is half way between a mid shot and a close up. This shot shows the face more clearly, without getting uncomfortably close. I chose a few locations< which i believed would be relevant and appropriate for me to take my pictures in. 

Han Shot List

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